

And, once again I've been slipping with posting here. My weeks are just flying by and I can't really do everything I want to do.
Surprise, surprise! The Stars are still in it. Courtesy of Marty Turco. In his first carreer win in the Joe, Marty Turco was OUTSTANDING. Some of the saves he made aren't from this planet. Add to that that he got the only assist on Joel Lundqvist game winning goal.

Next round will be in Dallas. For the sake of some nice hockey, I hope the Stars win that one. Personally, I'm just enjoying the playoffs now. No nerves anymore. The Pens killed'em all by knocking out the Rangers.

Tonight we can see the fifth round between the Pens and the Flyers. I belive it all ends here, for the Flyers. Hopefully it doesn't. Because it has been a nice series to follow. Will Martin Biron stand against the mighty attacks of the Pens tonight? And will the Flyers boxplay manage to keep the hungry power play line of Pittsburgh at bay?

1 kommentar:

Markus Hermansson sa...

Man får väl ändå påstå att Flyers inte riktigt stod emot Pens inatt :) Helt överkörda.

Pens - Red Wings i final tror jag nog. Kan bli hur bra som helst!